Friday, June 11, 2010

Sergei Nemchinov

Mailed on 6/26/09 and received 5/5 back on 6/11/10. Almost a year for this one. I'm glad Sergei finally broke out the pen and signed these for me. Cool signature but I'm not sure how it spells Sergei Nemchinov haha. Cards were mailed to his home.


An Autograph A Day said...

I agree with you on how you Sergei Nemchinov out of that autograph. Interestingly he signed for me in the early 1990s and the autograph is pretty much the same. I remember thinking at the time that maybe he didn't know English too well and his autograph would evolve over time. I'm surprised it has stayed the same all these years.

D L O said...

It doesn't make out his name in english letters because like many Russian players, he signs in cyrillic, the Russian alphabet. If you notice the autograph of some other Russians, you'll notice similar letters. Hope this helps :)

nolongerposting said...

Yeah I didn't really think of that but it makes sense he would sign in his natural hand. My bias toward English figuring everyone signed in my language haha